Banks, increasingly multi-channel users between online apps and branches

In 88% of cases, customers manage the relationship with the institution using both the Internet access mode and by physically going to the branch. The need for personalized services is growing

09 Aug 2022

Lorenzo Forlani

An increasing number of customers access their bank using different channels and in a combined way, almost 9 out of 10 customers, according to the latest survey carried out by the ABI, in collaboration with Ipsos. In 88% of cases (+7 percentage points compared to the previous year), in fact, customers manage the relationship with the bank alongside the use of "do-it-yourself" channels, ideal for making operations in speed and mobility (ATM ATMs, Internet banking and Mobile Banking), those in which you can interact with personal contacts (agency, contact center, chat with operator and financial consultant).

In a scenario of increased synergy between the physical and digital channels, made available by the banks, the customer experience acquires new centrality supported by the innovation of distribution models, which see both physical spaces and dialogue functions and assistance services renewed. The Abi survey  with Ipsos was carried out as part of the activities of the Observatory dedicated to the evolution of the relationship between banks and customers, on a representative sample of bankers aged 18 to 74 years in December 2021.

Customer-tailored services

The survey shows how much customers increasingly appreciate the possibility of relying on 'tailor-made' solutions, simple and reliable. The versatility of the solutions offered in response to the new and diversified needs of customers, in fact, reinforces the positive perception of the lived experience of customers in the relationship with the bank. At the same time, customers feel more involved in the relationship with the bank and take an active role by testifying to their experience. In fact, the survey highlights the share of customers who have spoken well of their bank or who are willing to make positive 'word of mouth' equal to over 80% in 2021 (it was 69% in 2019).

Attention to sustainability

The survey shows how the knowledge of sustainable investments (ESG, from the English Environmental, Social and Governance), although still contained, hand in hand with the propensity to choose an investment in sustainable finance, is spreading in particular to "evolved" customers, that is, who habitually use the Internet and who use the online current account, among investors themselves and those who already know this opportunity. According to the survey, 1  in 5 advanced bankers declares to consider attractive investments focused on companies committed to reducing pollution, defending the earth's resources and protecting employees and their health.