Bug in Elementor Essential Addons plugin: it's security alert Security Malware and Antivirus viruses

Another WordPress plugin with a critical flaw. This time it's about Essential Addons from the popular Elementor builder - what happened? The WordPress Essential Addons plugin, linked to the popular Elementor builder, has been reported for a critical security vulnerability. This tool is commonly used by site owners to customize site graphics by changing layouts and working on individual pages and posts. According to what has been discovered, this flaw allows anyone to gain access to the backend of the site, inserting malicious files in the same file or modifying the PHP code, making it harmful for visitors. From the tests carried out by specialists in the sector, the vulnerability occurs only when particular widgets linked to the plugin are used and is revealed from version 5.0.4 of Essential Addons onwards. The latest version, therefore, 5.0.5, has been made available to users and manages to completely solve the problem. Therefore, anyone who owns a site with this plugin should update it as much as possible. All of this shows, once again, how we are all potentially at risk. On the other hand, it is not the first time, and most likely not the last, that WordPress and its plugins show their side to cyber attacks. How to avoid problems of this type? Surely an excellent antivirus is the first step to make your computer safe and beyond.