The director of the Cybersecurity Agency: "85 goals to be achieved by 2026". And he raises the alarm about cyber warfare: “It will intensify even after the end of the conflict in Ukraine. We need to be prepared. Pnrr key tool " 07 Apr 2022 F. Me
The National Cybersecurity Strategy will be presented in May. The announcement comes from Roberto Baldoni, director general of the National Cybersecurity Agency, guest of "Adnkronos Live". "It is a very innovative strategy of its kind, which will take four years, and will aim at 2026 - explained Baldoni - Within this path there are many objectives that must be achieved and the Agency will be there to check that these objectives are achieved. There are 85 goals, an important path for our country ". "Some objectives will be achieved even before 2026", he specified, underlining that it will be achieved "gradually, but these are paths that we must undertake". Index of topics • The delays of Italy • The impact of the war in Ukraine • Cyber threats to the Ministry of Ecological Transition • The US thwarts Russian attack The delays of Italy Baldoni then highlighted how our country is experiencing an important delay on the cyber front. "Let's pay for an important delay, the German agency was born 30 years ago - he said - the French agency 15 years ago, the Israeli agency 20 years ago and it is clear that in this period what we have been missing in Italy is someone that beat time on awareness of this type of risk, the importance of training, the importance of creating a system of human and technological resilience regarding this type of attacks ".
The impact of the war in Ukraine Baldoni then specified that "the cyber war began before the invasion" as regards "the Ukrainian quadrant, a further increase in cyber attacks was recorded on January 14, so well before the attack and a second strong attack on February 14. ". "On this one of our articulations, which is the national CSIRT since January 14 has begun to spread a whole series of information that goes on ever larger circles to become also public information - he explained - So far we have made four public communications but all 'inside our critical infrastructures we provide two daily bulletins, we have distributed over 2 thousand indicators of compromise which are the technical elements that companies must go to see to understand if they have already been victims of that type of attack ”. “We certainly had an increase, not only us, but also our allies, but not like what we expected as soon as the conflict began - he continued - The information exchange network in Europe and Italy has worked quite well. We have not registered the amount of attacks, even towards our infrastructures, that we could expect, but we must always remain on alert because the problems could arise at any moment ". And the conflict, according to Baldoni, will change the cyber context even once it is over. “When the conflict in Ukraine ends, the cyber war will continue, we will have it even more accentuated and we must also prepare for this: we must run. The expert clarified that warnings for the conflict in Ukraine are fundamentally linked to energy, financial and telco operators. "On a national level, the scourge of cybercrime does not stop during the war, rather it continues. We have health infrastructures, in some parts particularly exposed, in a patchy situation: some are well organized, others have problems and are late" . "It is extremely important that hospital managers understand that the heart is now the IT part, which manages the operating theaters, analyzes, allows the exchange of internal information and if this part is blocked, the hospital is blocked - he continued - So it is important that those with responsibility pay attention to devolving adequate resources within these sectors ". In this context, the NRRR represents a key tool. "We have an excellent relationship with the regions to develop projects in the NRP to increase the resilience of these infrastructures - he underlined - We have already launched a series of notices to distribute funds to carry out specific interventions on other PAs". Cyber threats to the Ministry of Ecological Transition The number one of the Agency also spoke on the case of threats to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, announced yesterday by Minister Roberto Cingolani who had announced that he had blocked all IT activities. "There are investigations underway - Baldoni said - At this moment what I can say is that together with our guys from the Agency, who have the role of understanding the damage and how to restore services, there are people from the postal police who are also investigating to understand where the attack came from. We are now in the evaluation phase, in the 'incident response' phase ". The services will be restored as soon as possible. "It is clear that the deeper the attack can be, we have also seen it with Railways, the longer it takes to try to restore things without risk," she concluded. The US thwarts Russian attack The United States has dismantled a botnet controlled by Russian military intelligence. This was announced by the American Minister of Justice Merrick Garland. The so-called "botnet A botnet" is a network of computers used to carry out cyber attacks. "The Russian government has recently used similar infrastructure to attack Ukrainian targets," the Attorney General said. “Fortunately, we were able to block the network before it could be used again thanks to collaboration with our international partners. Garland yesterday announced that the US indicted Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev for his attempt to violate Russian sanctions imposed on him for financing separatism in Crimea and supporting the two pro-Russian breakaway republics of Donbass using accomplices to acquire and manage surreptitiously media in Europe. A New York court opened a sentence against the American John Hanick, 71, for being accused of violating sanctions and making false declarations for collaborating with Malofeyev for several years.
COMMENT: Good. Americans work hard. In other articles cybersecurity experts criticize the Italian approach to solving the problem, based on speeches and slogans. Security, resilience, etc. It amazes me that after I published articles in Italian newspapers they still haven't looked for me. Maybe they don't understand why they take certain assumptions for granted. such as the validity of public and private key cryptography. Maybe because they knowingly don't want to understand. They tell you that there may be quantum cryptography, fake. The system is based on two statements. The first is that there are no cryptographic systems that resist quantum computers, which we contest because our CRIPTEOS 3001 is actually resistant to them. The second is that we continue to use public and private key algorithms. So it is stated that with quantum computers the computation of prime numbers linking the public key and the private key, hitherto impossible to do with traditional computers, is solved. Quantum Key Distribution, if it works, solves this problem and allows you to transmit the private key. Key which, as already stated, with known cryptographic systems, is quietly violated by the quantum computer. In addition, there remains the problem of false certificates of those who issue public keys, a trick that allows you to get hold of private keys. Our system has two keys of 128 kilobytes and therefore it is inviolable and fast, besides all it can be customized with a third key to differentiate the algorithms of the various customers. And if they want to transmit our keys with the quantum key distribution system, fine, but avoid saying that there are no cryptographic systems that resist the brute force attacks of quantum computers.