The construction of the new center based in Cagliari has been approved by the regional council. The establishment of a cyber crisis unit is planned. Regional Affairs Councilor Valeria Satta: "Collaboration extended to universities, institutions and law enforcement agencies"
08 Apr 2022 L. O.
Sardinia is still pushing digital and invests in cybersecurity. After the announcement of the 270 million plan for digital health, the regional council is now approving the creation of the first "National Cyber Security Center" to combat cyber threats against public and private information systems. "A great result - says the regional councilor for General Affairs, Valeria Satta - which guarantees greater security for the entire territory". Index of topics • The identity card of the new center • Go to the Crisis Unit • Digital boost of Sardinia The identity card of the new center The Polo will be based in Cagliari, in a building made available by the Metropolitan City. "It will be able to collaborate with all institutionally competent subjects in contrast to the increased exposure to cyber threats and the repression of computer crimes, from universities to law enforcement agencies - added Councilor Satta -. Ample space will also be dedicated to the Academy for Cyber Security, which will have the task of training and raising awareness of those who work in the central public administration, municipalities and local authorities on the risks inherent in the use of information technology ".
Go to the Crisis Unit The prevention initiatives approved by the Regional Council also provide for the establishment in Sardinia of the Cyber Crisis Unit which will have the task - a note reads - of formulating proposals and recommendations regarding the main critical issues in the IT security sector, adopting measures of protection of regional digital infrastructures from possible cyber risks deriving from contingent situations, intervene promptly and effectively in the event of a cyber attack and interface with the National Cybersecurity Agency. The UCC will be composed of highly specialized and specially trained personnel "and will promptly activate - explains Solinas - on the occasion of emergencies resulting from cyber attacks or threats for the adoption of measures to counter or mitigate cyber attacks, to guarantee the security of regional information and data systems ". Digital boost of Sardinia The creation of the new cybersecurity hub comes after the decision taken by Sardinia to increase the digitization of regional healthcare. The 280 million euro plan provides for the adoption of tools for telemedicine and the implementation of electronic medical records, among other initiatives. The Region makes use of the resources co-financed by Pnrr and Pnc. Objective: the construction of 80 new structures and over 200 objectives to be completed by 2026. Allocated 280 million euros.
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