According to an Idc survey, the priority for professionals is to improve the resilience of IT infrastructures and business systems. Meanwhile, the US government opens an investigation into Kaspersky antivirus. Crif Observatory: offensive on personal data at + 48.7% in one year 09 May 2022 Antonello Salerno
Information technology is in effect one of the fronts of the conflict that broke out with the invasion of Russia in Ukraine. This is testified by a recent survey carried out by IDC, according to which “the ongoing conflict presents the world with probably the most serious cyber threat it has ever had to face. Since cyberwarfare - cyberwarfare - is a leading tool in the global military arsenal, every organization, public and private, must move quickly by strengthening the security of IT infrastructures to prevent potential disruption or damage, even catastrophic, regardless of its location on the geopolitical chessboard. ". The survey, which involved a sample of European Chief Information Security Officers, shows that 20% of respondents see an increase in IT security incidents as a likely consequence of the conflict, and 35% note that the war has caused a change in corporate security and privacy strategies. For 80% of the sample, the main area on which to focus efforts is the improvement of IT resilience. According to the Idc analysis, the current trend is confirmed by an indication that comes directly from the market: the fact that the main security suppliers report an increase in activities and an increase in the demand for detection solutions. advanced threat analysis, and incident response. According to the forecasts of Idc, which organized the Idc security forum 2022 in live streaming in Milan on 9 June, a situation comparable to that of the first year of the pandemic could occur in the next few weeks: even if IT spending has increased overall contracted, security was the area where companies felt compelled to maintain or even increase investments in response to the perceived increase in risk. "Just as war is the continuation of politics with other means, the Web is becoming the continuation of war with other mechanisms - underlines Giancarlo Vercellino, associate director research & consulting of Idc Italia - we are not referring only to cyber attacks on critical infrastructures of an organization or a nation, but also to the confrontation between conflicting narratives to tell the realities and influence public opinion. The events of the last few months highlight how there is an ethical dimension of communication that disregards the means used to communicate, but directly involves all those who manage the security of our digital infrastructures ". Meanwhile, according to the international press, the Biden administration launched an investigation into Kaspersky's Russian antivirus software earlier this year, coinciding with growing fears of Russian cyber attacks linked to the invasion of Ukraine. At the heart of the US government's fears is the fact that the Kremlin may use antivirus software, which has privileged access to computer systems, to obtain sensitive information. Precisely to avoid incurring these risks, the US authorities have already banned the use of Kaspersky software for the federal government, and could tighten these regulations in the future. Shifting attention to Italy, the data of the latest Cyber observatory published by Crif, according to which last year the number of Italian users who received a warning grew by 48.7%, recorded an important growth in cyber threats. of a cyber attack against their personal data, most of which have been exposed on the dark web. Overall, the number of alerts referring to data detected on the dark web was 1.8 million in 2021, up by + 57.9% compared to 2020. More than 150,000 were sent with reference to reports on the open web, + 16.4% compared to 2020. According to the study, the personal data of Italian users who mainly circulate on the dark web are email credentials and telephone numbers, but also tax codes, whose number has grown by + 51% in a year, even if the most sensitive information exchanged on the dark web remain passwords. Finally, as regards information on credit cards, in most cases the CV and expiry date also appear together with the number, together with the name and surname of the holder in 72.5%.