Crypto space is no stranger to malicious attacks, and Decentraland recently experienced a similar situation. The well-known website Metaverse suffered a phishing attack by attackers who replicated the website. The elaborate scheme is designed to attack gullible users by obtaining their secret keys. While the site is built to directly affect users on the ethereum network, traders with FORTMATIC, METAMASK and TRUST wallets are also at risk if they connect to the fake website. The newly discovered attack naturally affected Decentraland's market position, as users did not feel confident about the platform. Decentraland has attracted a lot of attention from big investors recently, with Microsoft pumping $ 69 million into developing Decentraland's open source project. According to this MANA prediction, token investors have more than enough reason to be optimistic. Given the gravity of the situation, Decentraland should take quick and tough action against the website as the longer it stays active, the more it will affect Decentaland's reliability.
The website is strikingly similar to the original platform. LAND is the NFT held within the ethereum smart contracts used in the 3D virtual environment that can be traversed and finished by Decentraland. The platform divided the land into plots with Cartesian coordinates. The replicated website offers the same programs as the original one, so it's hard to differentiate between the two. Since the fake site encourages users to push their creativity using the Builder tool, it's easy to lose access to users' accounts and private keys. As soon as these parties access users' wallets, they can leverage any cryptocurrency within it. With the limited chances of recovering these funds, users should be extremely cautious when accessing the platform.