Did you know that Chrome bookmarks are saved on your PC? Here's where
If you use the Google Chrome browser you will know for sure that it has more options to consult the "favorites", that is, from the usual top bar to the side one. You can also activate cloud synchronization with your Google account, so you have your favorite sites on any device with a version of Chrome, from your desktop PC to your smartphone. However, you can also save your favorite sites offline, so that you can restore them later.
In this article, we explain where to find local backup on Windows and macOS operating systems.
Where to find Chrome bookmarks on Windows
To find Chrome bookmarks on Windows, first launch "File Explorer" and open drive C.
Next, head to Users>User Name. To proceed, you need to turn on "Hidden Items" from the "View" tab of the ribbon.
Now we can see the "AppData" folder.
From here, navigate to "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default". Here you will find the files "Bookmarks" and "Bookmarks.bak". "Bookmarks" are the current favorites, while "Bookmarks.bak" includes deleted ones (the file will not be present if you have not deleted any of your favorites previously).
Where to find Chrome bookmarks on macOS
In macOS, open the Finder. Hold down the Option key on your keyboard and click Go>Library in the top menu bar (this item will only be available if you hold down the "Option" key at the same time.
From here, switch to "Application Support>Google>Chrome>Default".
This is where you will find the files "Bookmarks" and "Bookmarks.bak", the operation of which is exactly the same as the Windows edition.
Now you know where the local backup of your Chrome "favorites" is, both in Windows and macOS, so you can export them and use them on other devices completely offline, without going through Google's servers and synchronization service.