Google, new features and more details for online searches
A new search engine feature will provide more in-depth information about the source, allowing you to find what others have said about a site or to understand more about a certain topic. Soon the launch in Italian
11 Aug 2022
Veronica Balocco
"Information about this result." This link will be answered by the function that Google will introduce in the coming weeks in the search engine, in order to inform users about the results obtained and the origin of the information. In particular, the new tool will allow you to have more in-depth details about the source of the research, find what others on the web have said about a site and understand more about a certain topic.
"When you search for information on Google, you are likely to often come across results from well-known sources: websites of major brands, journalistic information sites and more – writes the big of Mountain View in the official blogpost dedicated to the news -. But there are also plenty of great information and services available in websites that you may never have heard of before. And while it's true that you can always use Google to learn more, we want to make sure you can find useful information without having to do another search."
The new function will first be in Italian, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German and Spanish.
Index of topics
• More information about the result
• The importance of context
More about the result
In practice, when you perform a search, next to most of the results on Google you will see a menu icon: "By opening the menu – explains Google – you will know more about the result or function and where the information comes from. With this additional context, you can make a more informed decision about the sites you might want to visit and what results will be most useful to you." Users will then have more information about the source (in addition to seeing a description of the source from Wikipedia, you will be able to read what a site says about itself in its own words, when that information is available); they will be able to find what others on the web have said about a site (news, reviews and other basic useful context) and they will be able to understand more about a topic (receiving more information on the same topic from other sources).
The importance of context
There are numerous other Google tools that help people assess the credibility of information online. For example, the company explains, "we make it easier to identify fact checks published by authoritative and independent sources on the web. We highlight relevant fact checks on results in Search, Google News, and Google Images. These fact-checking features have received billions of views in Google Search in the last year alone."
"But one of the most important elements of context that we can provide – concludes Google – is to signal when useful or relevant information is not yet available on the web. This may be true in a rapidly changing event, where interest in a topic often travels faster than facts. Or when relevant information simply does not exist for a search. At these times we show a warning advising you to check back later or try another search."