Here's how Consip stanga Kaspersky and Russian tech companies

by Chiara Rossi

Crackdown for information technology coming from companies linked to the Russian Federation (Kaspersky in primis) in Italy. Approximately 2700 Pa and 10 thousand private customers are affected. Here is the Consip communication

Close on information technologies from companies linked to the Russian Federation (Kaspersky primarily) in Italy. A rule is on the way to allow public administrations to stop using the Russian Kaspersky antivirus and start replacing it. This was announced on March 15 in the Senate by the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, Franco Gabrielli, with responsibility for the Services "to dispose of not only Kaspersky, but also other Russian platforms that are available to Consip and the Public Administration". As reported by Repubblica, the law provides for the allocation of “funds to buy a new one and avoiding problems of a tax nature to those who legitimately bought it in recent years. An emergency measure, which will be approved in the next few hours by the Council of Ministers, confirming how much the issue of information security is linked to Russian products, first of all those of the global cybersecurity giant, represents today for the Italian government an ' absolute emergency ". In fact, the move follows the alarm launched by the National Cybersecurity Agency, according to which it is "appropriate to consider the security implications deriving from the use of information technologies provided by companies linked to the Russian Federation". In fact, since the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine, experts have been wondering about the risks associated with the use of information technologies provided by companies linked to Russia. And on Thursday 17 March, Consip, the spa of the Treasury Ministry that manages purchases for the public administration, issued a communication to economic operators with the subject "Catalog adjustment to possible regulatory interventions". From Palazzo Chigi to the Ministry of Defense, from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of the Interior - Department of Public Security, the Kaspersky antivirus is currently installed on all the main IT systems of Italian institutions. Kaspersky in Italy boasts approximately 2,700 partnerships with the public sector and approximately 10,000 active customers in the business world. Among these Ferrari. On Thursday, the company decided to remove the Kaspersky Lab logo from Formula 1 cars. A spokesman said the partnership with the antivirus company is suspended. All the details. FERRARI SUSPENDS PARTNERSHIP WITH KASPERSKY Ferrari has removed the Kaspersky Lab logo from cars, helmets and online platforms "as the partnership is currently suspended by a joint decision of the two companies" explained the Ferrari spokesperson adding that Kaspersky is one of its antivirus software suppliers. . So the company is evaluating supply links with the Russian company specializing in IT security. PAs that use KASPERSKY ANTIVIRUS But besides the business world, Kaspersky's software is used by some 2,700 public buyers. Indeed, antivirus has been found in Italian systems since 2003. MINISTRIES The following installed Kaspersky software are: Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Labor, Maeci, Ministry of Education, Mibact, Department of Fire Brigade, Miur. ARMED FORCES But also the armed forces have selected the Russian antivirus as the Carabinieri, Forestry, Air Force Logistics Command, School of Aerocooperation CS Administrative Unit, Hydrographic Institute of the Navy. UNIVERSITY Instead, the universities include: Alma Mater of Bologna, Federico II of Naples, Tor Vergata, La Sapienza, Polytechnic of Turin, University of Florence and others. RESEARCH INSTITUTES As far as research institutes are concerned, we find among others: National Institute of Astrophysics; National Institute of Statistics; National Research Council; Ingv; Aeneas and Invalsi. ATAC, ANAS, TERNA AND IREN AMONG THE SPA Among the spas there are: Atac; Anas; Terna; Iren; ENAV, Polygraphic Institute and State Mint; Single Buyer; Rai Com; Sogei; Rai and others. THE MESSAGE FROM CONSIP A government source told Reuters that the new rules would allow public administrations to replace all software deemed potentially dangerous, without incurring penalties. And on Thursday 17 March, Consip, the treasury ministry spa that manages purchases for the public administration, issued a communication to economic operators with the subject "Catalog adjustment to possible regulatory interventions". "From recent press reports, - reads the letter - we learn of the possible issuance of a Government provision that could inhibit, for the Public Administration, the use of goods or services relating to information technology from companies linked to the Russian Federation. Economic Operators are therefore invited to verify, as of now, in their catalog, the presence of products and services that could be the subject of this regulatory provision ". Therefore, "it is anticipated that Consip will immediately implement the rules, which will be issued by the Italian government in this sense, with the measures deemed most appropriate", concludes the note. CONTRACTUAL ISSUES According to Il Sole 24 Ore, "a legal indication on such a technical profile is at least articulated. It's not easy. Administrations have contracts, deadlines, spending commitments. Avalanche appeals due to not civilly protected cancellations must be avoided. The hypothesis in progress, therefore, is to allow the public administration to purchase another protection software. The latter, once installed, takes the place of Kaspersky or similar, deactivating them. The existing contracts will continue until term without being renewed ". THE LOCATION OF KASPERSKY Finally, Kaspersky Italy told Reuters it was monitoring the situation with "great concern". The company said it was particularly concerned about its employees, warning that they faced decisions based on geopolitics rather than technical issues. "We hope this attitude does not lead to the implementation of illiberal legislation that primarily affects our partners, families and Italian citizens," Kaspersky said in an email to Reuters.

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