All the data as of April 1, 2022 of innovative startups from the quarterly report of Mise, InfoCamere and Unioncamere As of April 1, 2022, startups exceed 14 thousand. This is what emerges from the new edition of the quarterly report dedicated to demographic trends and the economic performance of innovative startups. The relationship is the result of the collaboration between Mise and InfoCamere, with the support of the Chambers of Commerce system (Unioncamere). All details on the data updated to 1 April. POPULATION GROWTH The registered startups exceed 14 thousand. As of April 1, 2022, there are 14,362, 3.7% of all newly established corporations. TERRITORIAL DISTRIBUTION Lombardy is home to over a quarter of all Italian startups (27.0%). The province of Milan alone, with 2,720, represents 18.9% of the population, more than any other region: Lazio exceeds one thousand with 1,729, represents 12.0%, (largely located in Rome, 1,555, 10.8% nationally) Campania, with 1,317, 9.2% of the national total, Emilia Romagna with 1,086, 7.6%. However, the region with the highest density of innovative companies is Trentino-Alto Adige, where about 5.5% of all companies established in the last 5 years are startups. MANPOWER The company's shareholders, compared to the previous quarter, increased (+4.7%) to over 71 thousand 1. The representation of companies founded by under-35s is high (16.9% of the total). Innovative startups are growing in which at least one woman is present in the social structure: there are 6,231, 43.4% of the total. TURNOVER Innovative startups are mainly micro-enterprises, boasting an average production value of just under 178.4 thousand euros, an increase compared to the previous quarter. SHARE CAPITAL The total share capital subscribed by the startups is up compared to the last quarter (+10.4%) now standing at 1,035,118,652 million euros for an average capital of 72,073 euros per company. PROFITABILITY As a physiological, innovative startups show a higher incidence than the average of loss-making companies (over 52.7% against 47.3% overall). However, companies in profit show particularly positive values in terms of profitability (ROI, ROE) and added value.
How innovative startups are doing. Report Infocamere
by Redazione Start Magazine