On The Internet, 66% of the world population is online. But the censors sharpen their weapons

North America is the leader in the penetration rate with 93.4%, Europe in second place with 88.4%. Asia has the largest number of users (2.8 billion). The scenario photographed by Atlas Vpn raises an alarm: the restrictive measures in China and Ukraine are on the rise. Vpn boom to get around the bans 17 Mar 2022 L. O.

Internet penetration worldwide will reach 66% by the end of the first quarter of 2022, when the total number of “connected” inhabitants will be 5 billion and 252 million. North America is the world leader in the Internet penetration rate with 93.4% while Europe is the second for penetration rate with 88.4% of users. But the largest user population is in Asia with 2.8 billion connected inhabitants. It emerges from the data published by Atlas Vpn (based on the estimates provided by the World Stats site), which however raises an alarm about the restrictions in place by some governments: Russia and China, champions of censorship. Index of topics • The scenario of Internet penetration • Infrastructure destroyed in Syria and Yemen • Internet censorship The scenario of Internet penetration North America leads the world in Internet penetration rate with 93.4%. "It shouldn't be surprising - reads the report - since the United States and Canada make up a significant part of the American continent: both countries have a well-developed Internet infrastructure that allows easy access. In total, North America hosts over 347 million Internet users ”. WEBINAR April 6, 2022 - 12:00 Key concepts and stories for understanding change and opportunities in the post-Covid era Europe is second for penetration rate since 88.4% of Europeans are Internet users. More than 743 million Europeans are connected to the World Wide Web. Most European countries have "an excellent Internet infrastructure," the document reads, which allows people to surf the Web at "good enough" speeds. Latin America and the Caribbean region have an Internet penetration rate of 80.4%. About 533 million internet users live in the area. Despite the high percentage rate, many countries in the Latin American region have patchy coverage, coupled with high data and device costs. Infrastructure destroyed in Syria and Yemen Middle Eastern countries provide the Internet to 76.4% of their population. Wealthier countries like the United Arab Emirates or Qatar have a penetration rate of almost 100%. However, war-torn countries like Syria or Yemen have low internet penetration rates due to the destruction of most of their infrastructure. Oceania and Australia have an internet penetration rate of 70.1%. While Australia and New Zealand are home to nearly 90% of their population with the Internet, many Pacific islands have not invested in Internet infrastructure. The internet penetration rate in Asia is 64.1%. Although the percentage is below the world average, Asia has the largest population of nearly 2.8 billion Internet users. This makes up about 53% of all Internet users in the world. China and India, with 1.7 billion users alone, are the biggest contributors to that number. Africa has the lowest Internet penetration rate as only 43.1% of the population has access to the World Wide Web. The region is home to approximately 601 million Internet users. In addition, the Internet penetration rate in Africa since 2000 has increased by 13,220%. Internet censorship Despite the growing rate of Internet penetration around the world, some countries impose restrictions on the Internet by limiting the information that citizens can access and thereby pushing various forms of "state propaganda". The Chinese government, the document recalls, imposed censorship on the Internet with three regulations in 1996. State Internet service providers block various websites such as Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, and censorship - the text reads, “which severely limits the freedom of expression ". With the invasion of Ukraine, similar methods of censorship were also introduced in Russia. The country is trying to isolate its citizens from outside information by banning social media platforms and Western media, making it impossible to access without a VPN.
