The acceleration of digital initiatives and the priorities of Italian CIOs, according to the point of view of an international solution provider such as Thoughtworks. Published on 28 April 2022 by Valentina Bernocco Where are Italian companies going, what technological transformation initiatives are they pursuing? And is it true, or is it just an often repeated slogan, that the covid pandemic has accelerated change, also giving it an irreversible direction? An international point of view, however concretely embedded in our national reality, is that of Thoughtworks, a company that designs and distributes software, IT solutions and consulting services. We talked about digital initiatives and the priorities of Italian IOCs with Gautam Srusti, managing director of Thoughtworks in our country. With more than twenty years of experience in the field of technology, in his current role Srusti led his company in the initial positioning phase in Italy and is currently pursuing a strategy of expansion and commercial growth. In the last two years, as we know, the pandemic has caused or accelerated profound changes in the use of technologies in the company. What are, in your opinion, the most significant phenomena? We observe various trends and prominent changes in the market. First, an accelerated shift to digital: large sections of the population have suddenly been pushed to use digital technologies. Furthermore, there is a greater demand for online services among users or consumers. Thirdly, we see a shift from the use of technology as a tool for cutting costs to a tool for creating value or differentiation. These trends may seem obvious and a continuation of what has happened in the past few years, but as Thoughtworks, by helping our partners make it through this age of transformation, we are seeing an accelerated leap to digital, and this is fast becoming a priority in the world. meeting rooms. And what are the priorities for the CIOs of Italian companies today? Based on our interactions with the technology leaders of the Italian market, we see in particular five elements at the top of the agendas of chief information officers. The first is the understanding of customers in order to build the best things for them quickly. We then try to move first to leverage new technologies, such as the use of the cloud at the center. The third is to attract and retain talent. Fourth, data and security strategies as the default condition of the business. Finally, modernization aimed at creating business value and not just cost benefits.
Gautam Srusti, managing director of Thoughtworks Italia
Based on this scenario, what is your approach to the Italian market? Financial services and retail, both fashion and food, are large slices of the Italian economy in these sectors have also experienced major disturbances in the last two years. We intend to focus on these industries and help our clients develop as modern digital businesses that can keep pace with the accelerating pace of technological change. We are happy with the progress made in Italy, where we have a multidisciplinary team in which technology, experience design and product management skills are represented. ShareIT, a meetup group run by “Thoughtworkers” in Italy, has grown to over 600 registered external participants. Within these meetings we share our knowledge and experiences in the largest community of technology experts in the country, bringing speakers from Italy and other European countries. We expect our presence to grow by 50% in terms of the number of employees in 2022. How do you relate to technology vendors? Thoughtworks partners with global companies to build the capabilities needed to transform and succeed in a rapidly changing digital landscape. If necessary, we leverage our network of trusted partners to amplify the speed and results we bring to customers. Together, we are passionate about delivering exceptional customer experiences and seizing new opportunities to create value. For cloud-related issues we collaborate with, for example, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services.
COMMENT: Also in this case the technology train leaves forgetting entire wagons with the passengers behind them. But the main problem is that cyber-security can only be done in words. Everyone sells and then, if something happens, communicates the patches to be installed, perhaps criminalizing the mechanic who didn't do it in the PC of his small workshop. All wrong, all to be redone, said the great cyclist Bartali.
Italian companies