Already restored the profiles from which videos and feeds on cryptocurrencies and Nft were transmitted. The aim is to shed light on what happened: "We will learn from this incident" 04 Jul 2022 Veronica Balocco
The Twitter and Youtube accounts of the British army suffered a hacker attack: videos of crypto-coins and images of Elon Musk appeared on the army's Youtube channel, while the official Twitter profile retweeted messages apparently related to the Nft. The Ministry of Defence in London said in a statement that it had opened an investigation into the matter. "The military takes cybersecurity very seriously and we are solving the problem," the ministry wrote on Twitter. "Until the investigation is finished, it would be inappropriate to comment further," he added. Service restored The British army then apologized on the same Twitter for "the temporary interruption" and announced the resumption of service. "We will conduct a full investigation and learn from this incident," he assured. The Army's YouTube account, which had been renamed "Ark Invest" (name of a global investment firm) and showed several videos related to cryptocurrency, was also restored to its original state. Ark Invest did not respond immediately to a request for comment sent by email and on the company's website. The army's Twitter profile currently has 362,000 followers, while the YouTube channel has 177,000 subscribers.